

The project involves mapping long-lived mantle plumes and improving Pacific absolute plate motion models during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (122-83 Ma). *I am currently looking to recruit a qualified PhD student to work on a recently funded project that includes a 31-day seagoing expedition to dredge seamounts, ridges and rises within and near Hess Rise and the Mid-Pacific Mountains. Investigating the timing and origin of the Geologist Seamounts (aka South Hawaiian Seamounts) through coupled 40Ar/ 39Ar geochronology and isotope geochemistry.


Determining the ages of the Corner Rise Seamounts and their role in North Atlantic Basin evolution.This project focuses on interpreting the history and origin of volcanic and authigenic sedimentary rocks within the Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll and Jarvis Island national monuments. Geologic mapping of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monuments using submarine ROV footage and recovered geologic samples.This work is being completed through a combination of 40Ar/ 39Ar geochronology, isotope geochemistry and Pacific plate motion modeling. Unraveling the geodynamic origin of the Line Islands Volcanic Lineament and associated cross-island trends.Currently, our research team are working on the following topics: My research focuses on using 40Ar/ 39Ar geochronology to address a diverse suite of scientific questions. Kevin Konrad Assistant Professor – Undergraduate Coordinatorĭirector of the Nevada Isotope Geochronology Laboratoryī.S., City University of New York – Queens College 2010
